Language learning in Ireland

Linguistic variety

The Republic of Ireland has two designated official languages: English and Irish. However, English is predominantly spoken by the majority of the population. Furthermore, a notable 15% of the population currently communicate in a non-native language, namely a language that is neither English nor Irish, within their households. The five most widely spoken languages are Polish, Romanian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

The need to learn foreign languages has long been recognised. It is vital for everyone to be part of a multilingual society and to be competitive in the labor market.

Elementary Education

In 2025, primary school students will get instruction in a foreign language. It is important to regularly evaluate this positive progress in terms of student/teacher interaction, the amount of time dedicated to learning foreign languages, and the transfer to secondary school. 

Secondary Education

Around 80% of students in the initial phase of secondary school and 76% in the subsequent phase learn a foreign language. The variety of languages taught has lately been expanded.

Higher Education

The disparity between the percentage of students studying a foreign language in higher education (about 4%) and those learning a foreign language after secondary school (76%) is substantial. This leads to a shortage of foreign language instructors and adds to a need for more foreign language proficiency in several sectors, including the business industry. Higher Education Institutions should contemplate implementing an institution-wide language Programme alongside specialised foreign language degrees and degrees that integrate foreign languages with other academic fields. 


The industry requires more graduates who possess proficiency in foreign languages. Small and medium-sized enterprises also need a more deliberate approach to communicating with clients and suppliers that speak languages other than English. Language Management Strategies encompass personnel with linguistic proficiency, expert translators, translation software, student interns, local representatives, and intermediates.